Click on All-time bests 20240430to view the all-time best performances as of 30 April 2024. All new entries achieved in the 2023/24 season are highlighted in yellow.
These ‘bests’ will be updated intermittently throughout the season with a final version after the National Championships in April.
Performances will only be considered by Northern Districts athletes at ND local competitions, Trans-Tasman Trials/Challenges, Zone/Region/State/National little athletics championships. Performances in events conducted by other Centres and when not representing NDLAC are not eligible for inclusion.
The best gated time (GT) or photo finish (PF) time will be shown if it is within 0.3 seconds of a superior hand time (HT).
All hand times are rounded up to the next highest 1/10th of a second if precision is shown to 1/100th of a second.
Please advise any errors or omissions to our President.