



NDLAC has a comprehensive awards system designed to:

  • encourage and reward improvements in one’s own performances
  • encourage regular participation in Little Athletics from year to year
  • provide awards for achieving standards in a number of events of the athlete’s choice
  • recognise Centre Records and Season Best performances

No awards are made for 1st-2nd-3rd in events (except our ‘special’ Event days of Pentathlon and Multi-Event). What is important is improving your own Personal Bests throughout the season.

Performance awards

Coloured Ribbons are awarded for when an athlete achieves Personal Bests.

The first time you do an event that result becomes your initial standard. A Yellow Ribbon is awarded when you achieve 10 x Personal Bests (PB) past your initial standard across all events, a Purple Ribbon is awarded for 15 PBs past your initial standard across all events, a Green Ribbon is awarded for 20 PBs past your initial standard across all events, a Red Ribbon is awarded for 25 PBs past your initial standard across all events and a Blue Ribbon is awarded for 30 PBs past your initial standard across all events and an additional Blue Ribbon will be awarded for 35 PBs & 40 PBs past your initial standard across all events.

Ribbons are also awarded for 4 or 5 (Red), 6 (Blue) or 7+(Purple) PBs achieved in one day.*

*dependent on number of possible PBs in a day.

Achievement awards

Four levels of achievement are recognised by the presentation of Yellow, Green, Red and Blue Certificates/Pennants.

To receive the certificate/pennant, athletes must achieve and record certain standards in a minimum number of events:

Under 6                                any 4 events out of 11 events held
Under 7 & 8                         any 5 events out of 11 events held
Under 9                                any 6 events out of 13 events held
Under 10 & 11                     any 6 events out of 14 events held
Under 12                              any 6 events out of 15 events held
Under 13, 14, 15 & 17         any 6 events out of 17 events held


The standards are set out and can be tracked on a coloured card found in the athlete’s registration pack (Pink – Girls, Blue – Boys).

You must achieve your Awards in the correct order, i.e. first Yellow, then Green—Red—Blue. You can however mark off a higher level result to a higher level standard when you achieve it, but you must go back and complete the lower levels one by one in order before the award is achieved.

Certificate/Pennant will be presented at the End of Season Presentation Day of the highest level Achievement Award achieved throughout the season.


Tiny Tots

Tiny Tots will receive ribbons throughout the season based on attendance and effort in their events each week.

Merit Awards

Athletes will be awarded for 5 & 10+ years of service. Awards are made at the Annual Presentation Day.

Season Bests and All-time Bests

A Season Best is the best performance achieved at Northern Districts (Foxglove oval) in the current season in an event by an age group. At the end of the season, the Athletes holding the Season Bests receive a certificate at the Annual Presentation Day. All-Time bests can be achieved at any Little Athletics NSW events and can be viewed on our website.

Centre Records

Athletes who set new Centre Records will receive a certificate shortly after attaining the record.  At the end of the season, the final Record Holders receive another certificate at the Annual Presentation Day.


Champion awards

At the Annual Presentation Day, awards are made to:

  • Champion Boy and Girl (and Runners-up) of each age group (see criteria below)
  • Champion Boy and Girl of the Centre (see criteria below)
  • Personal Best Champion Boy and Girl of each age group
  • Garde Family Throwing Award — Boy and Girl thrower of the season
  • Wayne Bingham Jumping Award —Jumper of the season
  • Halmy Family Distance Athlete Award — Distance runner or walker of the season
  • David Curnow PB Champion Award – Boy and Girl overall PB champions
  • Megan Jones Memorial Award – an athlete who portrays the spirit and ideals of athletics
  • Julie Halsey Outstanding Service Award – a non-athlete for outstanding contribution
  • Kevin Hirst Age Manager of the Year Award
  • Winners of the Middle Distance Handicap Cup and the ‘Cool Runnings’ Invitational Sprint Challenge
  • Athlete Service Award Medals for completion of five or ten consecutive years at NDLAC
  • Attendance awards for athletes with 100 per cent attendance for the season.


Centre, Age and Runner-up Champion criteria

Athletes will receive 2 points for every day of attendance on Fridays/Saturdays at Foxglove.

Athletes will receive bonus points if they are the holders of any new Centre Records or Season Bests (1st place & 2nd place) at the end of the season.

Athletes will receive points for top-8 placings at Zone, Region and State Championships, in up to four nominated events. Bonus points will be awarded for any Zone, Region and State records set.

No points will be awarded for performances in any relays or State Combined events.

To preserve the sanctity of these prestigious awards, the formula will not be open to subjective scrutiny or alteration by anyone in the Centre. Should there be extenuating circumstances, an athlete’s situation will be individually reviewed. This should be raised directly with a member of the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Registrar) who will table this for consideration by the Executive Committee only. The decision of this group will be final.

Athletes must also meet minimum attendance criteria of 50% across combined club and representative meets. Parental assistance must also meet minimum standards.